This is my first blog since the days of long ago... the days of Myspace. I honestly am not sure what to even write about. In my head the day to day thoughts and narrative sound like a blog, but on here who knows how it will come out. I guess if it's not that interesting, then no one has to read it. We'll start with this sweet boy...

As most people know, this is Bailey. He and his Daddy are the loves of my life. My life changed for the better when this sweet little man was born almost a year ago. We'll be trying for baby Kelly #2 soon, as soon as I'm given the green light after surgery. That's why I'm "on the mend". Two days ago I had a davinci laparoscopy done for my endometriosis and it's certainly been different than the 1st lap I had done 2 years ago. That one was more old school and done through the surgery center, where things are done much differently. This time was with a new doctor (who I love dearly, especially since he was with me through the whole pregnancy), new approach, new OR, the whole shebang. This time I have real incisions instead of puncture holes and they're substantially more uncomfortable. I was forewarned though, several friends have been there and done that.
Endometriosis sucks, in case anyone was wondering. Some days it gives pain a whole new meaning, which is why the pain I'm suffering post-operatively is worth it. If I get relief in the long run then it was worth it. Unfortunately after my surgery, my nurse didn't know what she was doing. When my glue on the bigger incision came open and I started bleeding, she didn't call the doctor. *Disclaimer- as a nurse, I know how easy it can be to make a mistake. But I also know it's appropriate to call the doctor when you don't know the answer. Save yourself the trouble of injuring a patient and subsequently getting yourself in trouble.* All she did was attempt a pressure dressing (which my nurse friends know is a difficult task when it's in an orifice and not a flat surface). EPIC. FAIL. By the next morning I'd went through 5 "dressing" changes and the glue was completely open. So here I am now with stitches, when if she had just done the logical thing and called the doctor, wouldn't have had to happen. But I digress, it is what it is. ::steps off soapbox:: So now I'm truly on the mend. I'm having to consciously make an effort not to bend and lift, including lifting Bailey. It stinks not being able to love on him like I'd like to. Danny won't let me do a dang thing which despite the pain and discomfort, makes me feel like a lazy bum. Sometimes it's nice to have a break from playing super mom and wife of the year (HA!). But at the same time, I really feel like I should be doing something. That, however, would just set my recovery back more.
Clearly I'm not under the influence of my pain medication right now but I will be soon, as the pain is starting to kick back in again. Add in some anti-itching meds so I don't crawl out of my skin and I'll essentially be useless. So I'll wrap up my pointless blog. Save something more compelling for another day or at least another time. Thanks for reading anyway and letting me pass some time, while I rest here, being bored and doing nothing. You can only check facebook, pinterest and Etsy so much in one day. On a better note, being waited on hand and foot isn't too horrible! But don't tell Danny I said that...
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