In other news, my stitches come out today. My appointment is a work in I do believe, so hopefully I won't be waiting approximately 19 years. Dr. Dixon is a popular guy and today is his surgery day, so I'm happy to be getting in. This is what endometriosis looks like, in case anyone is wondering...
TMI? Maybe. But I like to educate people on the gist of things. It's an incredibly unpleasant and in most cases painful condition. Hopefully this surgery will have taken care of it, for the time being. I've already been down this road once. I guess I should consider myself lucky. I have friends that have much more severe cases than mine. But that doesn't change the fact that it substantially affects my life. Now that this is done, we're going to try for baby #2! Exciting! Hopefully B will have a little sister - I'm pro-girl this time. Then after final baby Kelly, it's time for an elective hysterectomy. Get all this mess taken care of. Plus, with the way gynecological cancers run these days that would be one less thing to worry about. They don't run in our family but having done oncology for 3 1/2 years I know that doesn't mean a darn thing. CANCER DOESN'T DISCRIMINATE.
Speaking of cancer, it feels pretty surreal still that it's been almost 3 months since Dad died and almost 5 1/2 years for Mom. For those of you who don't know (though most people do), my Mom died from lung cancer with liver and adrenal mets (mets = metastasis = spread somewhere else) and Dad died from lung cancer with brain mets, also lymph node involvement. What does this mean in the long run? What is truly boils down to..........
stop smoking! It kills people. Loved ones - moms, dads, brothers, sisters, grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, nieces, nephews, CHILDREN, friends, coworkers. I think that about covers it. What more reason do you need? I know, I know... easier said than done, yada yada. Well plenty of people have done it. My Mom quit cold turkey after over 40 years. Guess what? It still killed her. In case that's not enough, here's an image to leave you with :)
(I'd make the picture bigger but I'm not that great at this and haven't figured out how to yet. Much like I haven't figured out how to change the time from Pacific yet. If it truly was 6:00 am, I would NOT be up blogging. Just sayin'. )
::steps off soapbox::
I'm not sorry if I made anyone mad or offended. This is my blog, you chose to read it and those are my opinions. Some of them are even facts. So it what it is. Hope you continue to read anyway. Next time will be more about something pleasant like this sweet baby of ours!
Thank you for posting this and daring to offend people. I have always been very against smoking. People that smoke breathe in filtered tobacco, but what they aren't sucking in, the crap that comes out the other end. . . that crap is unfiltered and the rest of us non-smokers are forced to breathe. Also, my dad has been battling lung cancer for roughly 3 years. It sucks. It's ugly, it's painful, and it's horrible to have to watch your loved ones endure. He smoked when he was younger, but it has been probably 30 years since he quit. So, thank you for helping to spread the news! And may God bless you soon with another healthy baby!