Friday, January 11, 2013

Take It Easy...

I don't do "take it easy" well. I like to think I've been a good patient. I followed my restrictions and then when given a reprieve from some of the restrictions, I still ended up getting set back. When those beloved stitches came out, 6 hours later part of the incision opened and the next day BAM! Stitches again. These will be in for about 10 days... longer if they don't take care of themselves before that. So we'll see.

I took B to daycare today even though I'm off. I didn't want to overdo it with bending (which we suspect is the culprit of what made my incision open) and trying to play with him, plus there's stuff that needs to be done at home... and I'd like to relax some. Also, it will do him good to be around his friends again. There's not many days he'll be at daycare this month so if I'm gonna pay for it anyway, he might as well go play. Disclaimer: All the things I've gotten done today are things that don't (don't!) require bending. It makes me feel productive to list the things I've done, so here we go. Got the dishes taken care, baked and mashed a butternut squash for our handsome squirmy little man to eat, I've got a pot roast with veggies in the crock pot and as soon as I'm done with this I'm going to at least attempt wiping out the  microwave. I've got some water and vinegar cooking in there now. Doesn't my house smell delightful? Ha. But after all that I'm pretty worn out. Laundry and cleaning up our own personal daycare can wait. Surely between this blog, Pinterest, facebook and my friends I can find something to occupy myself while Peanut is away. I'll go get him after naptime :) I know I'm not allowed to be all the way back to Supermom just yet, but at least today I get a glimpse of it.

Here's a new picture of our handsome boy. There's got to be at least one each time. It's a given and he's SO stinkin' cute!
He's in his new play tunnel! We got him a set of small connecting tunnels and also a red wagon for his birthday. He did not need any news toys... he may never need any toys for as many as he has now. But the tunnel is something different and the wagon will be fun for outside. Danny couldn't wait until his birthday for his tunnel, note it was NOT me this time. He was so precious crawling and rolling around in that tunnel. Then again I think he's precious 99.5% of the time. He knows he's king of the Kelly household. Bailey has developed such a personality, especially over these past few months. Hard to believe he'll be a year in 1 week!
This is where I was exactly to the day last year:

Holy belly, Batman!
A week later, the night before my due date, I was induced and our little man graced the world with his presence on Wednesday 1/18/12 and 3:06 pm. He was especially precious then, all 8lb 10 oz and 20 inches of him. Here's a favorite of me (looking SO lovely) and the sweetest baby, minutes after he changed our lives forever.
Baby boy love <3
::sigh:: Memories. I love every bit of being a mom. Ok, I didn't love being kicked yesterday on my incision when I was changing his stinky butt, but I don't take it personal. He's a wiggler, that's for sure. I can't wait for his little birthday party next week. We're doing Thomas the Train, which he loves. Seeing him and his little baby friends play (with his living room full of toys) will be SO cute. Another exciting event, preceding his birthday, is my stepmom Dawna will be arrive on Wednesday! Who's psyched about that? This girl right here! She hasn't been down since she and Dad came for Bailey's birth last year. She'll be here for a week and it's gonna be a blast. It will be bittersweet, her coming here without Dad. But it was still be lots of fun. I sure do miss him.
Better wrap it up, out of compelling, novel-worthy chit chat ;) By the way, my microwave looks and smells nice and clean now. I guess I lived under a rock... I never knew vinegar and water did that!

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Blocks, books and boogers - oh my!

Our living room looks like a daycare. Straight up childcare center. We've grown used to it and on most days cleaning up is a futile effort. I wouldn't have it any other way; I love getting down there and playing with him. The floor is littered with balls, activities cubes, a slide and blocks, among other things. Most recently there's a pillow he's become quite fond of. I think it reminds him of the dog beds, which we've got blocked off because he likes to crawl up, face plant into them and then come up covered in dog hair. Thankfully our little critter (Bailey, not the dogs) is feeling better. He's had a sinus infection which was thoroughly annoying all of us. Thank goodness for Boogie Wipes... yes, that's a real product ... his poor little nose was getting quite raw. I realize you didn't start reading my blog to learn about the details of our baby's play area and status of his health. But he's our little squirm and I'm quite proud of all things involving him.

In other news, my stitches come out today. My appointment is a work in I do believe, so hopefully I won't be waiting approximately 19 years. Dr. Dixon is a popular guy and today is his surgery day, so I'm happy to be getting in. This is what endometriosis looks like, in case anyone is wondering...
TMI? Maybe. But I like to educate people on the gist of things. It's an incredibly unpleasant and in most cases painful condition. Hopefully this surgery will have taken care of it, for the time being. I've already been down this road once. I guess I should consider myself lucky. I have friends that have much more severe cases than mine. But that doesn't change the fact that it substantially affects my life. Now that this is done, we're going to try for baby #2! Exciting! Hopefully B will have a little sister - I'm pro-girl this time. Then after final baby Kelly, it's time for an elective hysterectomy. Get all this mess taken care of. Plus, with the way gynecological cancers run these days that would be one less thing to worry about. They don't run in our family but having done oncology for 3 1/2 years I know that doesn't mean a darn thing. CANCER DOESN'T DISCRIMINATE.
Speaking of cancer, it feels pretty surreal still that it's been almost 3 months since Dad died and almost 5 1/2 years for Mom. For those of you who don't know (though most people do), my Mom died from lung cancer with liver and adrenal mets (mets =  metastasis = spread somewhere else) and Dad died from lung cancer with brain mets, also lymph node involvement. What does this mean in the long run? What is truly boils down to..........
stop smoking! It kills people. Loved ones - moms, dads, brothers, sisters, grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, nieces, nephews, CHILDREN, friends, coworkers. I think that about covers it. What more reason do you need? I know, I know... easier said than done, yada yada. Well plenty of people have done it. My Mom quit cold turkey after over 40 years. Guess what? It still killed her. In case that's not enough, here's an image to leave you with :)
(I'd make the picture bigger but I'm not that great at this and haven't figured out how to yet. Much like I haven't figured out how to change the time from Pacific yet. If it truly was 6:00 am, I would NOT be up blogging. Just sayin'. )
::steps off soapbox::
I'm not sorry if I made anyone mad or offended. This is my blog, you chose to read it and those are my opinions. Some of them are even facts. So it what it is. Hope you continue to read anyway. Next time will be more about something pleasant like this sweet baby of ours!

Friday, January 4, 2013

On the Mend

This is my first blog since the days of long ago... the days of Myspace. I honestly am not sure what to even write about. In my head the day to day thoughts and narrative sound like a blog, but on here who knows how it will come out. I guess if it's not that interesting, then no one has to read it. We'll start with this sweet boy...
As most people know, this is Bailey. He and his Daddy are the loves of my life. My life changed for the better when this sweet little man was born almost a year ago. We'll be trying for baby Kelly #2 soon, as soon as I'm given the green light after surgery. That's why I'm "on the mend". Two days ago I had a davinci laparoscopy done for my endometriosis and it's certainly been different than the 1st lap I had done 2 years ago. That one was more old school and done through the surgery center, where things are done much differently. This time was with a new doctor (who I love dearly, especially since he was with me through the whole pregnancy), new approach, new OR, the whole shebang. This time I have real incisions instead of puncture holes and they're substantially more uncomfortable. I was forewarned though, several friends have been there and done that.

Endometriosis sucks, in case anyone was wondering. Some days it gives pain a whole new meaning, which is why the pain I'm suffering post-operatively is worth it. If I get relief in the long run then it was worth it. Unfortunately after my surgery, my nurse didn't know what she was doing. When my glue on the bigger incision came open and I started bleeding, she didn't call the doctor. *Disclaimer- as a nurse, I know how easy it can be to make a mistake. But I also know it's appropriate to call the doctor when you don't know the answer. Save yourself the trouble of injuring a patient and subsequently getting yourself in trouble.* All she did was attempt a pressure dressing (which my nurse friends know is a difficult task when it's in an orifice and not a flat surface). EPIC. FAIL. By the next morning I'd went through 5 "dressing" changes and the glue was completely open. So here I am now with stitches, when if she had just done the logical thing and called the doctor, wouldn't have had to happen. But I digress, it is what it is. ::steps off soapbox:: So now I'm truly on the mend. I'm having to consciously make an effort not to bend and lift, including lifting Bailey. It stinks not being able to love on him like I'd like to. Danny won't let me do a dang thing which despite the pain and discomfort, makes me feel like a lazy bum. Sometimes it's nice to have a break from playing super mom and wife of the year (HA!). But at the same time, I really feel like I should be doing something. That, however, would just set my recovery back more.
Clearly I'm not under the influence of my pain medication right now but I will be soon, as the pain is starting to kick back in again. Add in some anti-itching meds so I don't crawl out of my skin and I'll essentially be useless. So I'll wrap up my pointless blog. Save something more compelling for another day or at least another time. Thanks for reading anyway and letting me pass some time, while I rest here, being bored and doing nothing. You can only check facebook, pinterest and Etsy so much in one day. On a better note, being waited on hand and foot isn't too horrible! But don't tell Danny I said that...